Background to the Campaign

There are Saoirse groups throughout Ireland and in England, USA and Australia.

At present there are almost 400 republican political prisoners in jails in Ireland, England and the United States. They are imprisoned because of their commitment to freedom, justice and peace in Ireland. If there was no political conflict, there would be no political prisoners, republican or loyalist.

There is widespread support for the peace process throughout Ireland and abroad. Everyone wants to see a just and lasting peace. But peace does not simply break out, it must be built, consolidated and maintained. The peace process is an attempt to resolve the conflict and build a just and lasting peace. It is widely accepted that part of the process of building real peace in Ireland must involve the release of all political prisoners.

While there has been some movement by the Irish Government there has been a marked reluctance by the British Government to positively address the question of prisoners. The two governments have an opportunity to make a positive contribution towards developing and consolidating the process by releasing the political prisoners they still hold.

Political prisoners have played a crucial role in moving the peace process to where it is now by giving it their full support. You too can play a part in building the peace process by supporting Saoirse's demand for the release of all political prisoners.


Portlaoise 40 prisoners
England15 prisoner
USA4 prisoners
Maghaberry7 prisoners
H Blocks275 prisoners